Monday, November 21, 2011

Next Time Call the Super Friends

The Economy of Politics?
The Politics of Economy?
Super Committee.
Super Friends.
The Committee of Super Friends?
The Super Committee of Friends?
The Balancing of Budget?
The Budgeting of Balance?
If you put all of these words together and spend billions of taxpayer dollars to fund committees or friends or whatever the hell just happened, that is exactly what you get... Bullshit and Words.
Thank You Bi-Partisan Super Think Tank for tanking what we thought was a potential Balancing of our economic woes.
Just Kidding.
Those of us "in the know" realize that the whirlpool of American politics is just a distraction used to secretly "employ" the power of "The Super Friends" (classic DC comic book/cartoon series in which the greatest super heroes were brought together to foil the schemes of evil) in clandestine operations around the globe in our never ending battle against "The Legion of Doom," DAMMIT I meant terrorism! Economies come and go, but super heroes are forever!
Next time you want to repair our massive budget deficit that "somehow" was exacerbated by frivolous expansions in spending and approvals of "necessary" party ideals remember that many non involved "lay about's" are willing to take "occupancy" of your lost initiatives and claim victory in the name of their "cause."
To resolve this issue Dial 1-900-MIX-ALOT (that is the secret number that only super heroes know) and kick them nasty thoughts.
Seriously, Super Committee?
What a crock of shit.

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