I take my coffee black... no sugar, no cream, just black. Like some sort of spoiled rich girl from the suburbs with a daddy complex and a drinking problem. I feel like Heidi Klum right now...
There are a lot of hookers across the street this morning? Way more than usual? I wonder if they are horny?
Apparently Vladimir Putin was re-elected. I pretended to care for about thirty seconds until I remembered this awesome dance/lip-synching show from the eighties, "Puttin on the Hits," and all I could picture was Putin lyp-synching "You Spin Me Round." They should bring that show back.
Why does the garbage man have to be so loud? Is it really necessary to slam the cans around and loud talk? Maybe I should stop putting all of my discarded treasures out there? Then what will he do; just stand there scratching his head, peering into an empty can waiting for it to magically fill up with empty beer bottles and my wife's US Weekly magazines? Good luck getting your news buddy!!! He won't even know about Jessica Simpson's baby til at least later in the week.
Is it too early to Irish this coffee up a bit?
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