Monday, December 19, 2011

America Fuck Yeah!!!!

Twelve months.
Twelve fucking months.
Osama Bin Laden, DEAD.
Muammar Gaddafi, DEAD
Kim Jong Il, DEAD
The foes of the American way of life are dropping like flies, but there is much work to be done...
Kim Kar D'Shian, ALIVE.
Alive and stinking up the airways of freedom loving Americans.
Solution: Drop her in Mogadishu and allow her to procure a virulent strain of Aids that can end her tele-terrorism.
Barack Obama, ALIVE.
Making promises and writing checks from a "borrowed" (I have alerted local law enforcement) American checkbook.
Solution: Spray Axe Deodorant Body Spray to diminish the B.O. below recognizable levels until the next election... when we elect a new piece of shit with a pen.
Greedy, overpaid, under-educated entertainers. Barnum would have paid them in fish heads... if that.
Solution: Shut the fuckers down, nobody gives a shit anymore, Americans with tangible skills are unemployed and these self serving fuck-sticks are going back to work...WHAT THE FUCK?
America the job is only half done, the time has come to battle our domestic terrorists; we are bringing home "The Troops" from the embattled Middle East to a home-front of joblessness, reality television and subsidized professional sports.
I say re-deploy the boys to wherever the hell a Kar D'Shian is and take 'em out.
Make a defensive wall around "America's" checkbook and hire some CPA'S to balance the damn thing.
Lastly, go ahead and dispose of Kobe, Dwayne, Lebron and all the rest of CB4. These "Americans" have no clue what the rest of us have been through and how dare they play "poor me" on the heart strings of the working class that have paid their salaries and supported their extravagant lifestyles. 
There is something called the PBR on Versus Network and that shit is badass!
America... Fuck Yeah... Now get your head out of your fucking ass and do this shit!

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