Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forgot to Post This, Because I Have a Drinking Problem

Life as we know it is a short and sometimes cruel short story published in the most obscure of publications, but every once in a blue moon someone comes along and writes an entire "Sports Illustrated, Fall Football Preview" with their life.
Sure their have been some recent departures from the world of the living that would qualify for that issue, but I don't really give a shit because I don't own an i-pod or i-pad or i-whatever the fuck the latest innovation happens to be. In the words of that Indian (feathers not dots) character from "Predator," "Everybody gotta die sometime," and yes the king of the creative computer world was a mere mortal like the rest of us. I hope he is getting some sweet S-jobs in compu-heaven, but does anyone realize that the creator of Doritos recently "bit" the big one? I have spent far more money hangin' on his "Cool Ranch" than I ever did getting Steve's kind of Jobs, just sayin' is all.
Hightower from "Police Academy?" Yep he's a goner.
Some junkies died; Winehouse, the guy from Weezer, that pussy Kanicky from "Grease," and Mike not the Starr of Alice In Chains fame. All taking a dirt nap.
Fitness guru Jack Lalanne finally succumbed to sixty plus years of promoting "women's fitness," Jack shoulda got with the times and realized that "women's fitness" is called porno, porn director's live forever Jack, wrong choice.
How about Warren Christopher? No big deal he only held positions of international importance (Secretary of State, Attorney General, Nerd of Power) during three separate presidential administrations, but you know he didn't do anything that effected anyone.
There is only one passing that need be noted here, only one that brings an era to an end, a man who forgot to "lay low" and finally got caught up. Original "OG" Nate Dogg, I'm pouring out a lil' liquor for you homey.
I hope Jobs (not like Job in the B-I-B-L-E, that guy went through some real shit) is living it up in i-heaven with i-god, but everybody does gotta die sometime and I for one would rather die it up with Nate Dogg and old Jack Lalanne than spend another minute with S-Jobs and his legion of Gen-Y Myrmidon in their unending i-nformation hell.
Goodnight and facebook to you.

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