When you allow a badger to be elected to our State's highest office (auto-fasci-badgernor) what the hell did you expect to happen?
To those of us from the Milwaukee metro area we expected nothing less than a gutting of all public concerns and support as well as four more years of staring at his ugly den digging face, but it's a wee bit late for that now.
I implore all of you to conduct an in depth side by side photographic comparison of our "Dear Governor" and our ferocious state repping mammal.
Scary isn't it?
Read the physical stats and you will be astonished; it would not be surprising to discover that his mother was having "relations" with many furry little forest creatures in the wilds of Colorado (it was the sixties, investigative journalists we are looking at you... get on it!).
To be fair I would rather be trapped deep within a badger's den than spend ten minutes locked in a room with Bucky, but since neither is likely to happen any time soon...
Wisconsin is deeply divided and the only solution may be to secede from the Union and battle this shit out amongst ourselves.
This war of ideologies will not have a happy ending for either party or the State of Wisconsin, but clearly no one gives a shit about the long term effects of this battle. Changes do need to be made, but the gutting of social assistance has never been the correct solution to budgetary concerns (aka Milwaukee County, thank you Mr. Walker.. dick head) but protesting does not have positive monetary influence on the outcome of policy (historically documented and verifiable).
Do not misunderstand me I find the Democratic Party as equally deplorable as the Republican, but much like our current President the new Governor has been given a license to "free-wheel" with our money and lives and frankly it disgusts me.
Checks and balances, if I am not mistaken, does not mean the ledger of our State's checkbook... does it?
Fellow citizens we are definitely going to take it in the ass on this one, but once I have finished this toaster/time machine I have been working on we should be able to quantumly "leap" Scott Bakula to 1967. With a little luck he can prevent Ole Bucky's mother from having sex with animals all together or get a cheap abortion in some back alley of Colorado Springs, either way...
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