Dammit!! I have been suffering from an acute case of writer's block lately and I fear the only way to jump start my slow moving mind-head is to jam copious amounts of booze in my face, but I have been trying to lay off the sauce so there must be an alternative... right?
In totally unrelated news, I broke a fucking filling in one of my molars and am in some serious pain here. What I love most about not having dental insurance is realizing I get to pay to have this stupid tooth fixed; either by a real dentist for thousands of dollars or go to the dental school, wait in line and have some undergrad yank it out with a pair of shitty pliers or if I am super lucky a string attached to the door knob.
This is all slightly frustrating as it is fucking up my cool. The left side of my face is swollen up so I look like a retarded chipmunk, it's awesome when everyone walks up and says "you look like shit!"
"NO, you are the one who looks like shit!" you shitty looking, shit-tard from shit... place that you are from! go F yourself in your A with your own D.
Now I didn't really mean any of that, you no belt wearing, tucking your t-shirt in dickwad.
"Sure I will give ya a pack of dem punkin seeds, dem are a quarter and a bag a dose porkies too, those are 75 cents Sling Blade."
"Thanks for the exact change you dirty ass, no brushing your teeth (and do you ever wash your hands, christ), white trash, drunk."
Thanks for not tipping me, I really appreciate spending time with you every afternoon and listening to your "tales of a factory worker," how exciting your life has been... idiot.
My tooth hurts.
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