And Jesus said "Oh hey man, my mom has to work late, do you wanna come over and listen to some Metallica records?" - John 3:17 -
Sometimes what is said after the headline grabber is where our brief inattentive spans of thought should be focused, but I think I just blasphemed so fuck it...
Oh my, all of this cursing and profanity (Isn't that the same ting? ting? what am I Jamaican? Christ!) what can come of this? Greatness that is what, so stop your thought drains with your fingers and allow the knowledge to simmer for 15 minutes... then remove from heat, fluff with fork and serve!
Where have I been these past few months you may be wondering? Well, I have been "living under a rock" as they say and for fuck's sake (Pronounced sake not sa-ke or sak-e or however those people [the Japanese] say it?) I feel alive! No longer is my mind cluttered with pop culture negativities or the wanton desire to bash in the brains of every degenerate that pleads for my hard earned dollars. I have bathed in the waters of ignorance and been born anew into this world (but seriously don't ask me for money I will fuck you up...). All that once was has been washed away... OK WAIT A SEC I just noticed my wife has added her own stations to my Pandora! I was in a blissful "shuffle" groove and Taylor Swift Radio came on? What The Fuck? Pandora's box has been opened and despite my best efforts IT may not be closed!!! I had tried to close my mind off to the vacuous wastelands of E-ntertainment, but in what universe that I rule does this shit exist?