Gimme a Break Yeah Yeah! Gimme a Break, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!!
Now I am no Nell Carter, but even I deserve a break... right?
If I was a big fat ass black chick... or the star of an awesome eighties sitcom about a big fat ass black chick...
I would take breaks all the time... asshole.
Unfortunately, I am not a big fat ass black chick with her own eighties sitcom...
I'm just Randall James Sharpe and this is my thang so I probably should not be takin' a break...
Especially a sweet ass break soaked in booze and boobies, cause what the hell does that have to do with Nell Carter and awesome eighties sitcoms?
Fuck if I know, but if you ask the bottle of Jim Beam I drank tonight he would most certainly tell you that this had something to do with listening to The Black Angels and pounding Beam like I was Jim Morrison...
Look, here's the deal I am super talented and shit and if I had been a big fat ass black chick with her own eighties sitcom and my name was Nell Carter; my awesome eighties sitcom would still be on and I would be bigger than Tyler Fuckin (pretty sure that is his middle name) Perry...
Sabbatical over...