It has been brought to my Attention (dammit, Deficit taking over, Disorder inline, continue...) that I am offensive. Offensive, crass, pandering and lacking the proper set of societal skills and moors to be a successful human doing. Really? Really?
All the education in the world cannot substitute the inherent ability to acquire and disseminate information into useful self perpetuating skills (modus operandi) for host survival (the body is merely the host of the mind in a symbiotic relationship that may or may not end upon physical expiration). This is why I detest babies, babies being the first step of the "independent" evolution of us, have no ability to properly convert stimuli into necessary functions and therefore are reliant on the care of the more evolved matron of the species from which it was birthed. That being said... babies are fucking stupid, do you have any recollection of those first months outside of the confines of your mother? No you don't, because your mind was to under-developed for thought to become function and no meme sequences found you to be suitable for the seeding, germination and distribution (sharing with other "like-minded" individuals) of it's idea. In other words babies are to busy pooping, vomiting and staring blankly at the television to be productive "functioning" members of the group.
I will skip entirely over the rest of collective society (as it could fill volumes of leather bound books) and get to the end of this little diatribe.
I really hate the fucking elderly, here is the culmination of the human experience (as we know it), here is where the brilliance of cellular existence arrives; a sagging, malevolent (notice the root of the term is male...that's bullshit) form of wasted nucleic potential. it is as if the weight of decades of knowledge and experience has enfeebled their being, when in evolutionary terms they should be at the height of their cycle. Instead millions of tiny "nuclear" explosions are occurring rapidly within their lobes inducing a "lobal extinction," (yes I said lobal and not global) of all cellular life and hence the inability to survive under the power of one's self.
However this is all just conjecture and hearsay, who is to say that any of this drivel is anything more than just random words strung together in a sentence genome that ultimately results in paragraphs of expressed thought.
This is exactly why I should be separated from the rest of the group and shamed (just like in school, thank you teachers)
Was this offensive? Absolutely not, but if I told you to go fuck yourself that could be construed as offensive.